Bear with them for a double celebration in Fife

A burning of the bear ceremony is to take place to mark World Whisky Day and the Royal Wedding.
Theres unlikely to be a more unique way to celebrate World Whisky Day on 19 May than witnessing a 100ft high bear carving set aflame on a Fife hillside.
On the hill overlooking Lindores Abbey Distillerys still-house in Newburgh, Cupar, visitors will see a bear holding a ragged staff, ploughed into the ground.
It is a depiction of the stone statue that was taken from the Abbots lodgings at the Abbey during the Reformation. The bear and ragged staff is a device of the Earls of Warwick – Guido, the first Abbot of Lindores, was a younger son of the Warwick family.
Each year the distillery light the outline of the bear to remind themselves of the importance of their past and to toast the coming years distillate.
This years bear burning event will take place on World Whisky Day, Saturday, 19 May, between 7pm and midnight.
There will be food, music and dancing; celebratory toasts to the bear and the newly married Harry and Meghan will be made with Lindores Abbey Aqua Vitae cocktails.
Tickets for 1494 Members are free, Preservation Society Members tickets are £10 and General Admission is £12.50.
For details click HERE.
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