
Weve all been oblivious to the fact students get free Greggs sausage rolls

We've all been oblivious to the fact students get free Greggs sausage rolls
(Picture: Getty)

Greggs is a universal food that brings together all people in a shared love of pastry.

When youre skint, though, its even better – eating something warm and comforting bought from the change in your pocket. And whos more skint than students?

Seemingly, a large number is not skint enough to have noticed a massive offer that Greggs have going, which means theyve overlooked plenty of free sausage rolls.

How have I never known that Greggs give you a donut or sausage roll for free with any order if youre a student?? raise awareness x

— lyd ? (@lydiaxday) July 15, 2018

Showing your student card and buying a sandwich deal entitles you to either a cheese and onion bake, sausage roll, snack pack, or sweet item free of charge.

You can also get an apple or banana, but in this economy that seems like a bad deal given how much they cost in comparison to a sausage roll.

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Since most students live off of meal deals (totally not generalising), getting a freebie from something youd buy anyway is not too shabby.

If you have a student card, you can also get a free cheeseburger or McFlurry at McDonalds when you buy any extra value meal.

On top of that, plenty of shops will take 10% off at the till if you present your card, which is some small consolation for the £9k a year in fees.

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