Mexican lawmaker’s solution to rape: Keep them out with chicken wire
Iris Aguirre Borrego, who represents the state of Zacatecas, posted to Facebook a picture of herself standing in front of bundles of chicken wire, which she said she planned to hand out to indigenous communities in northern Mexico. "In support of our Tepehuano brothers and sisters living in the mountains of Valparaiso, we have granted them fishing wire to keep people from coming in and raping their young girls," Aguirre wrote.The post provoked an angry response from Mexico and beyond, with many calling it a simplistic response to a problem that needs tougher action nationwide."Right, wired netting to avoid abuse and sexual aggression on women, girls and adolescent. Great public political strategy," wrote one sarcastic Twitter user.
Amnesty International criticism
An Amnesty International report in 2012 criticized Mexican authorities for failing to protect women from increasing levels of violence. A UN report estimates as many as 44 percent of women in Mexico have experienced sexual violence at least once in their lifetime.Aguierre has since removed her Facebook post, following up with another entry defending her actions. "I mentioned on my institutional Facebook page that materials were handed out in order to reinforce property protection and personal security in Tepehuana homes in Valparaiso," she wrote. "For me, it is fundamental to allocate economic resources, efforts and materials which allow us to increase safety condition for the Tepehuana community, particularly in matters relating to young girls, teenagers and women." It's not the first time the legislator has faced criticism. Last year, Aguirre — a member of the conservative Social Encounter Party — commented on President Donald Trump's right to deport Mexicans from the United States. "Mexican migrants are involved in very embarrassing things in the United States. This is why Trump needs to apply anti-immigration policies," she said in the state legislature. "He does it for the good of the people. This is what we should do for the good of the Zacatecanos." She later walked back those comments in a televised interview, according to local media reports.
CNN's Natalie Gallón and Flora Charner contributed to this story.
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