‘You betrayed me’: Nassar abuse victims speak out
After more than 20 years of alleged abuse by Larry Nassar, scores of women have recounted horrific experiences – but also tales of defiance and survival.
The former USA Gymnastics team doctor – who has admitted abusing seven girls but is accused by dozens more – has been sentenced to up to 175 years in jail.
Here are just a few of the 150 victim impact testimonies made against him:
:: Emily Morales
You used your power to get close to me, you weren't just a doctor, you were a trusted friend. And I think that is why I have been in denial for so long.
I did not want to admit that you betrayed and deceived me. I still believed in you and had sympathy for you. How could I have been so naive…
I believe in forgiveness, Larry. You and I are human beings we make mistakes. Although you have hurt me, I want to forgive you and feel closure and move on to healing in my life. I want you to apologise to me right here.
:: Emma Ann Miller
I'm possibly the last child he would ever assault. MSU sports medicine charged me for those appointments. My mum is still getting billed for appointments where I was sexually assaulted.
I have never wanted to hate someone in my life but my hate towards you is uncontrollable….
But don't get too excited Larry. You will probably never talk to a woman again except for one holding a gun, a taser and a belly club. Which is a good thing.
:: Tiffany Thomas Lopez
You and your actions have walked with me every step of the way since leaving Michigan State University. Such a beautiful campus, tarnished with your touch.
Not only did you take away an amazing opportunity that I had playing for a division one college, I was also selected to play on the 99 ASU junior softball team, in Taipei, Taiwan.
As exciting of an experience it was, my most memorable moment was sitting around a box of pizza with teammates, debating if I should ask them they had ever experienced treatment like I had.
Your actions not only consumed my thoughts but distracted me from moments I can never live again.
:: Raw emotion as gymnasts abused by Larry Nassar speak out
:: Aly Raisman
Your abuse started 30 years ago, but that's just the first reported incident we know of. If over these many years, just one adult listened and had the courage and character to act, this tragedy could have been avoided. I and so many others would have never, ever met you.
Larry, you should have been locked up a long, long time ago. The fact is, we have no idea how many people you victimised, or what was done, or not done, that allowed you to keep doing it, and to get away with it for so long.
Over those 30 years when survivors came forward, adult after adult, many in positions of authority, protected you, telling each survivor it was OK, that you weren't abusing them. In fact, many adults had you convince the survivors that they were being dramatic or had been mistaken. This is like being violated all over again.
:: Simone Biles
Writing on Twitter, Biles said: For too long I've asked myself: 'Was I too naive? Was it my fault?' I now know the answer to those questions. No. No, it was not my fault. No, I will not stand and should not carry the guilt that belongs to Larry Nassar, ASAG, and others.
After hearing the brave stories of my friends and other survivors, I know that this horrific experience does not define me. I am much more than this. I am unique, smart, talented, motivated, and passionate. I have promised myself that my story will be much greater than this and I promise all of you that I will never give up.
I will compete with all of my heart and soul every time I step into the gym, I love this sport too much and I have never ever been a quitter, I won't let one man and the others than enabled him, to steal my love and joy.
:: Whitney Burns
The power Larry Nassar held was given to him, and we are here to take it away.
To Larry Nassar and the others who hold responsibility for this I simply say that the truth always comes out. Time is most powerful. With time your victims have grown powerful too.
I am more than ready to put this behind me, and pray that the trials we have all faced will at least ensure that this does not happen in the future.
:: Jillian Swinehart
I can't even talk about what you have done to me, in specifics, to the people that I trust with everything in me because the thought of it makes me feel so uncomfortable, weird and sick.
I know I should not feel ashamed of what happened to me because it was not my fault at all, it was yours, all of this was your fault. You have caused me and so many other girls so much pain and suffering just for your own pleasure.
It is hard for me to trust new people because I don't know what their motive is. I shake going into the doctor's office because you made me lose all trust for doctors.
:: Mattie Larson
All I wanted to do as a kid was to go to the Olympics. I was at the height of my career at 19, and the Olympics were just one year away. And I just couldn't take any more of the abuse.
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I was broken. Larry, the coaches, and USA Gymnastics, turned the sport I fell in love with as a kid into my personal living hell…
Almost each and every time I received treatment from Larry from that [first] time he would molest me… No matter what Larry was supposed to be treating on me over the years – usually my ankles or my knees, his fingers always seemed to find their way inside of me. Never once wearing gloves.
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