Putin Is Using Lingerie-Clad Models To Get People To Vote In Upcoming Election [VIDEO]
Sexy elegant blonde woman posing in lingerie in studio. Long curly hair. Sensual look. Fit body Shutterstock/ PawelSierakowski
5:49 PM 02/26/2018
Vladimir Putin is allegedly using lingerie-clad models to encourage men to vote in the upcoming election.
The Russian president is allegedly resorting to using scantily clad models to encourage people to get out and vote. The models are part of the Russian edition of Men’s magazine Maxim, reported the Daily Mail. Alexander Malenkov, the editor in chief of Maxim Russia, did not say who directly paid for the advertisements, but simply called it a “special business project.”
The project is widely believed to be part of a campaign strategy for Putin.
The models are wearing different forms of black lingerie, casting ballots and pretending to vote. People who join an online group get erotic online stickers called “election girls.” One of the stickers reads “help me undo my ballot paper” and has a photo of a model pretending to undo her bra.
The upcoming election is March 18, reported LAD Bible.
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