Ted Nugent Calls Student Gun Protests Dangerously Stupid

3:03 PM 03/31/2018
Perennial rock star and avid Trump supporter Ted Nugent says “soulless” student protesters are leading the “dangerously stupid” anti-gun protests in the wake of the Parkland shooting.
Nugent did not mince his words in a Friday interview on “The Joe Pags Show.”
“I really feel sorry for them because its not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but its soulless,” Nugent said in the interview. “To attack the good, law-abiding families of America when well-known, predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless.”
The rocker continued, “These poor children, Im afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul.”
Nugent also hammered the “dumbing down of America” that he says students are experiencing as they progress through schools with teachers who lie to them.
“The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies.”
The outburst was the first for Nugent since he vowed to restrain his rhetoric after an anti-Republican shooter began firing at Congressmen who were practicing for a baseball game last year.
The daily caller