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Former NFL Kicker Jay Feely Apologizes For Prom Pic With Daughter, Her Date And Firearm

Former NFL kicker and current CBS commentator Jay Feely found himself in hot water after a Saturday night tweet included a picture of his daughter, her prom date, and himself holding a pistol.

“Wishing my beautiful daughter and her date a great time at prom. #BadBoys,” read the tweet. The pistol appeared to be a Kimber .45.

Wishing my beautiful daughter and her date a great time at prom

— Jay Feely (@jayfeely) April 22, 2018

It was an obvious joke referencing the old-as-time antagonism between a protective father and those who seek to court his daughter, but nevertheless the backlash caused by the picture led Feely to issue an apology the next day.

The prom picture I posted was obviously intended to be a joke. My Daughter has dated her boyfriend for over a year and they knew I was joking.
I take gun safety seriously (the gun was not loaded and had no clip in) and I did not intend to be insensitive to that important issue

— Jay Feely (@jayfeely) April 22, 2018

“The prom picture I posted was obviously intended to be a joke,” wrote Feely. “My Daughter has dated her boyfriend for over a year and they knew I was joking. I take gun safety seriously (the gun was not loaded and had no clip in) and I did not intend to be insensitive to that important issue.”

Feelys tweet of course drew reaction from liberals on twitter.

Cool to know if your daughter has any self agency youll shoot her boyfriend.

— Ally Maynard (@missmayn) April 22, 2018

How is this responsible gun ownership? When did guns become a vehicle for twisted humor? What in the hell is wrong with this guy?

— Tracy (@TracyFootworks) April 22, 2018

First rule of gun safety is to never treat a gun like a joke or a toy. You failed that test with this photo.

— Mark R. Yzaguirre (@markyzaguirre) April 22, 2018

Can you imagine seeing these pix of your son for the first time? Omg I would call the cops on that guy!

— Lorianne Gilmore (Cyanide) (@SipsOfCyanide) April 22, 2018

But Feely also had plenty of supporters as well.

To everyone getting “offended” from the Jay Feely gun prom photo, this is a dumb dad joke thats been around for decades. It was even a meme years ago and a joke in Bad Boys 2. Enough with your faux outrage and stop making everything into a stupid political debate…

— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) April 22, 2018

The terminally offended are really getting on my nerves…

His daughter is obviously angry with him, he date is clearly terrified, and he will obviously is threatening violence…

Give me a freaking break!

Mr. Feely, thank you for being a great father, and #GoBlue!

— Libertarian-In-Chief (@ToddHagopian) April 22, 2018

Jay, no need to apologize. The ONLY folks expecting an apology are assclowns who hate you anyway. It was a joke, any rational ADULT that can read and has eyes knows it was. And as a father, I agree with the wink wink to the boyfriend. We know what they are thinking as fathers

— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) April 22, 2018

Youre telling me one of the six biggest stories in sports today, with NBA & NHL playoffs in full swing & NFL Draft Thursday, is Jay Feelys daughters prom photo? This is what Im talking about when I say sports media is rigged by far left wing. This isnt even a sports story.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) April 22, 2018

Honestly, that people are outraged about @jayfeelys picture, is just a sign of how too many people have lost their sense of humor and cant laugh about anything anymore. Its a sign of deep-rooted mental unbalance in the country. The picture was meant to be humorous and was.

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) April 22, 2018

The fact you have to tweet this is sad

— Josh Scobee (@JoshScobee10) April 22, 2018

The 41-year-old Feely played for seven NFL teams, including the Arizona Cardinals and Atlanta Falcons, over 14 seasons before retiring in 2014 and joining CBS as a commentator.

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