
Its Not A Good Sign When I Throw Out My Shoulder By Simply Tossing A Football

Ladies and gentlemen, my athletic comeback is not going well.

I am in an incredible amount of shoulder pain after I threw out my shoulder while tossing the old pigskin. Thats right, I screwed up my body by simply throwing a football. Thats when you know things are going poorly.

I havent thrown a football in ages. Pretty much not since winter started. Im not going to be out in the snow throwing the football. So, I was rusty to say the least.

However, I didnt think I was this rusted. I let out a couple short 10 yard passes, and I felt my shoulder go almost immediately. Now, the passes were beautiful. Im talking right on the money. It feels like I could have unleashed those bad boys 80 yards if it came to it. (SLIDESHOW: These Sexy Women Love Football)

Plus, I threw one of the most beautiful passes in modern history when Showtime was in the office filming. Thats right. When the lights are on I do my best work. I hadnt thrown in months, and still had it in me. The accuracy and power were all still there.

However, something is clearly wrong when my stamina and endurance are so low that my body breaks down after a few attempts. Thats not a good sign for my NFL future. Not a good sign at all. General managers wont love that.

Will they love the accuracy? Yes. Will they love the arm power that resembles a missile launcher? Yes, but that wont save my body in the event I get blitzed.

I dont know where I go from here. Will I recover? Will I even be able to play in the company game? Play football is one of the greatest honors an American can have, and now Im worried the NFL wont ever come calling.

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