Screaming Protesters Heard In Senate Gallery As VP Pence Asks Sergeant At Arms To Restore Order
Protesters could be heard screaming in the Senate gallery as Vice President Mike Pence began the roll call vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Female protesters could be heard screaming, but most of the words were indecipherable. Some chanted “shame! shame! shame!” During the interruptions, Vice President Pence repeatedly asked the Senate Sergeant at Arms to “restore order.”
“Very unusual amount of disruption in the Senate gallery,” Fox News Chris Wallace said later during the network broadcast of the voting.
After a week-long FBI investigation that failed to corroborate any of the sexual misconduct allegations against the judge, Sens. Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Joe Manchin, decided to vote for Kavanaugh, clearing the way for the Saturday confirmation victory. (RELATED: Alan Dershowitz: Kavanaugh Accuser Represented By Avenatti Should Be Investigated By FBI For Lying)
“Expressions of approval or disapproval are not permitted in the Senate gallery,” Pence said later before reading the results, which were 50 to 48 in favor of confirmation.
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