
People are sharing their worst depression meals for when eating seems impossible

Depression meals included uncracked peanut cereals, inside-out hot dogs, nacho sandwiches and more (Picture: Twitter)

When youre having bad bouts of mental health, basic things like showering and eating regularly can become really tough.

Anxiety and depression can affect the way you eat, so people on social media are sharing the meals theyve eaten to cope when theyre feeling low.

When Twitter user Hayley started the conversation on the depression meals people had, others could relate.

She revealed that she eats toast with Chick-Fil-A sauce in order to get by during a depressive episode.

Calling it an abomination, Hayley asked others to share their weird and wonderful creations when cooking a meal seems insurmountable.

And her followers delivered, sharing images of un-shelled peanut cereal, inside-out hot dogs, nacho sandwiches and more.

Though they might be relatable, we dont recommend living on a diet of these things.

Hey yall please reply with the worst depression meal youve ever made…here is my abomination, toast with chick fil a sauce

— Saddington 2 ✈? (@hayley_hud) June 18, 2019



The idea is to get nutrients and not go without nourishment, but some of the Twitter users revealed that they just grabbed the thing that was closest or easiest to make.

Some also shared stories of meals they got away with while living at home with their parents.

I used to just grab blocks of cheese and eat them whole for every meal for like weeks straight when I was in high school, wrote one person.

Worst part is no one in my family even questioned it they just started stocking the house with more blocks of cheese.

One time I ordered mashed potatoes to be delivered to me bc depression and I didnt have any utensils on me and was too depressed to move and get some from the kitchen, but did find a bag of tortilla chips near my bed so I ate my mashed potatoes with chips as the utensil. ?

— Roald Doll (@rchlwtrs) June 18, 2019

Cheese was a popular staple as someone else wrote: Taking bites out of the plain Philadelphia cream cheese (the one that comes in a box) like it was a giant cheese stick.

Some of the meals were really random food combinations. One person wrote: I dipped my salt and vinegar chips in peanut butter and washed it down with a pear Redbull.

Others said that they werent necessarily eating random food, but instead choosing things that were filling and easy to access. Like the woman who ate potato every night during a long depressive episode.



Hayleys tweet thread became a safe space for users who could relate but also encourage one another.

This one hurt to read, I hope youre able to have more variety in your meals now replied one person to the potato comment.

Hey yall please reply with the worst depression meal youve ever made…here is my abomination, toast with chick fil a sauce

— Saddington 2 ✈? (@hayley_hud) June 18, 2019

We previously spoke to Nutritionist Clarissa Lenherr who explained to why mental health affects our ability to eat.

We have this fantastic connection that runs between our digestive systems and our brains, which is why our gut has now been nicknamed our “second brain”, she explains.

The two systems are connected by the vagus nerve, one of our 12 cranial nerves, that allows signals to flow back and forth between the two systems.

Cheese stick with Nutella and Gatorade. I got Read More – Source

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