Beauty & Fashion

Got burnt this weekend? A skin expert reveals exactly how to stop peeling after sunburn

Now that the actual sun has started making an appearance, it's practically inevitable that we're going to get sunburnt and after one of the hottest weekends on record, we're sure plenty of you are reaching for the aloe vera. Sometimes, we forget the suncream. Sometimes, we fall asleep on the beach. Sometimes, we inexplicably decide we don't need SPF protection if we just wish hard enough for a lovely tan instead of raw, red skin.

So, if you're the type of person who burns and then peels – ouch – here are some handy tips to help reduce the damage.

We spoke to GP and skin expert Dr Ross Perry, who runs the Cosmedics skin clinics – here's his best advice.


Protect your skin

"If the skin is peeling then that is a clear sign that it has been damaged by overexposure to the sun," says Dr Perry. "Peeling means that your skin is shedding outer layers and revealing new layers of skin. During this time it is very important to protect new and peeling skin from further damage, so stay out of the sun if you can. If you must go out, then cover up in long layers (long sleeved shirts, loose trousers, hat and sunglasses) and ensure any exposed areas are thoroughly protected with high protection factor sunscreen i.e. SPF50."

This surprising tip for treating sunburn is going viral – and the results are astonishing


"While the skin is shedding, you can relieve any itching or discomfort by keeping it well hydrated. Slather on lots of moisturiser. Aloe vera gel can be soothing as well as moisturising and can help to take the sting out of any lingering sunburn. Drink plenty too, to ensure your body is hydrated from within. This helps the skin and hydration is also key to your body's general recovery and renewal mechanisms."

Do not pick at it

"Don't be tempted to pick at the peeling, however bad it looks. It will come off in its own good time. If the skin is very flaky, you can give it a gentle rub with a dry flannel to slough off any very loose bits, but now is certainly not the time for aggressive treatments. Your skin needs TLC while recovering. Avoid alcohol if possible whilst recovering!"

Keep it cool

"Apply cold flannels to soothe red or burnt skin. Just run a face cloth under a cold tap and apply to sore skin for 10 minutes to take the heat out. You could try coconut oil instead of aloe vera gel

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