Girl opens PrettyLittleThing order only for live spiders to crawl out

One woman experienced our worst nightmare after a clothes order arrived and a bunch of spiders crawled out of the package.
Yes, its already making our skins crawl just thinking about it.
21-year-old Georgia Rattray had bought some clothes from PrettyLittleThing.
However, Georgia, from Falkirk, was horrified when she opened the packaging only for a load of spiders to crawl out on her bed – with more dead ones inside the clothes, including a white polka dot print bardot playsuit, which cost £25.
Georgia described the scene as the stuff of nightmares and decided to video it out of disbelief.

She said: I was buying holiday clothes and a dead spider was in one of the playsuits.
The live spiders were in about the packaging which was on my bed.
At first I was disgusted when I saw the dead spider, but then I was terrified when I saw the live spiders on my bed!!
Georgia then took to Twitter to tell her followers what had happened, and to reach out to the retailer.

She wrote: Ordered over 100 worth of stuff from @OfficialPLT (@OfficialPLT_CS ) and feel like sending it ALL back after live SPIDERS crawled out onto my bed and finding a dead one in one of the playsuits.
Its disgusting so annoying cos I loved all the stuff.
Georgia said the whole thing was awful, especially as she had to catch the spiders herself.
She said: They were quite big spiders, maybe a little bigger than a 50p.
I chucked them out my bedroom window in tissues.

People on Twitter described Georgias experience as being the fear with one telling her to send the clothes back in case the spiders had laid eggs.
Luckily PrettyLittleThing dealt with the situation, offering both a full refund and replacing the clothes.