
Worlds first cheese conveyor belt is now open in London

Pickj & Cheese is now open (Picture: Pick & Cheese)

Earlier this year, we brought you the news that a cheese conveyor belt was coming to London – and now its finally open.

Pick & Cheese features 25 different cheeses that literally come to you.

So forget that overflowing cheese board, this place lets you sit in one spot as the cheese in front of you keeps changing, letting you pick your favourite.

And of course, if you really like a particular one, you just wait for it to come around again.

Its sushi but with chunks of creamy cheesy goodness instead.

The whole belt measures 40-metres and there are 38 seats around the whole thing.

It opened at the new KERB street food market in Seven Dials this week.

Honestly, everything on their Instagram will make any cheese-lover drool.

Its been created by the people behind The Cheese Truck in 2014 and Camdens Cheese Bar in 2017, so these guys know a thing or two about cheese.



Each of the 25 cheeses comes with a different condiment – combinations

Combinations include coolea with hazelnut brittle and fresh ricotta with sherry-infused cherries.

Each cheese is marked with a price and you pay for everything from the belt at the end.

More: Food

Dessert is cheesy-themed too – theres a flavoured soft-serve ice cream, using Baron Bigod brie and Beauvale Blue.

The restaurant is one of 26 traders at the new KERB Seven Dials Market, which is inside a former banana storage buildingRead More – Source

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