What is the Main Cause of Hair Loss?

Hair loss can be due to a number of factors, including hormone imbalances, a vitamin deficiency, or an autoimmune disorder. Hair follicles need sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals to grow and mature. Thyroid conditions can also cause hair loss and thinning. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common causes of thinning hair in American adults. This is a condition where the immune system fails to produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone.
Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. It can be caused by a number of medical conditions, including immune system-related conditions like alopecia areata (patchy thinning of the hair), and hair-pulling disorders such as trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder). Certain medications and supplements can also cause hair loss. In addition, radiation therapy can cause hair loss.
Hair loss may start suddenly or gradually and may occur in patches. Sometimes, the loss may take months before it becomes noticeable. Hair loss can also be triggered by emotional or physical shock. Hair may fall out during combing, washing, or light tugging. Some people will lose all their hair, while others may only lose a few strands. Hair loss can also result from medical treatments, such as cancer chemotherapy. The good news is that hair usually regrows after the treatment has ended.
Hair follicles need essential nutrients to grow properly. A healthy diet is one of the best ways to ensure that your body gets the vitamins it needs. It’s important to include enough vitamin C in your diet, particularly citrus fruits and vegetables.