USA News

Valerie Jarrett Complained That The Obama White House Was Too Macho

Virginia Kruta | Associate Editor

Former White House advisor Valerie Jarrett complained in her new book that there was a “general macho atmosphere” in the Obama White House.

Jarrett explained that after noticing that the overall dynamic in the West Wing was “causing women to feel uncomfortable,” she took former President Barack Obama aside and confronted him.

In her new book, Valerie Jarrett writes that she confronted Obama about a “general macho atmosphere” in his West Wing that “was causing women to feel uncomfortable.” Obama invited over a dozen senior women to a lengthy dinner at the White House to discuss.

— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) April 2, 2019

“If you notice, in meetings, the women rarely talk,” Jarrett reportedly told the president. “And when you arent there to ask their opinion, they are becoming increasingly mute.”

After she said that, Obama invited a number of the senior women to the White House in response and, over dinner, discussed how they could make things better.

Jarrett also came out in defense of former Vice President Joe Biden during an appearance on Tuesdays “The View” to promote her book.

“I dont think we should be disqualifying people,” she said. “Let him run. Thats part of what being in a democracy is all about.” (RELATED: People Want RoseRead More – Source


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