
Transforming OLPP’s 18th Term Of Office

Improving the functioning of the local organs of People’s Power (OLPP) and giving the response and satisfaction that the people ask of them, is an imperative in view of the current eighteenth mandate period.

To achieve this, it is necessary that the representatives of the people, in all structures (municipal assemblies, permanent work commissions, popular councils and administration councils) be well prepared, and that was precisely the main objective of a recent meeting held in Cienfuegos by Miriam Brito Sarroca, president of the Commission for Attention to local bodies of Popular Power of the National Assembly, and Lilian González Rodríguez, deputy head of the Office of Attention to local bodies of Popular Power (OLPP) of the Council of Ministers.

How much does such an action contribute to the performance of those who have experience and those who start?

“This is the first time that I assume responsibilities as a delegate and president of a permanent work commission, and these conferences are very instructive because they allow us to prepare ourselves and how from the people, led by the delegates, we can contribute to the development of the country,” says Yalidis. Navarro Hernández, delegate from Cumanayagua and president of the Commission for Education, Health, Culture, Sports and Recreation of the local Assembly.

Programs And Objective

Also from Cumanayagua is Zuleika Muñoz Díaz, coordinator of programs and objectives, with some time of experience, and who recognizes that the country has given total importance to the preparation of those who, from different positions, are linked to People’s Power: “It is an apprenticeship, the opportunity to learn and then materialize it and lead the processes correctly, in my case, from the administration, as well as accompany and render an account before the Assembly”.

Recently elected is Yasniel Migueles Alonso, who serves as vice president of the Municipal Assembly of Palmira; hence, “the preparation in these subjects that we are receiving is very good, because I will be able to perform better. They have detailed us how to carry out the work of the commissions, how to perform better in our functions and attributions”.

Bárbara Valdés Macías belongs to the municipality of Cruces, she heads the popular council of Potrerillo and agrees with her colleagues on the importance of the training received, even though she has several mandates in office: “for me she is very good, fruitful; Every time we have a preparation we learn new things and we are in a better condition to carry out this honorable mission that the people have given us.”

But it is not enough to have everything incorporated in an intense training session. As Miriam Brito Sarroca, president of the National Assembly’s Commission for Attention to Local Organs of People’s Power, considered, such knowledge must be multiplied in daily activities. There the planned objectives will be truly achieved.

This article is originally published on

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